Phew today I finished thumbnailing the FINAL THREE chapters of infernal. Part of this process was realising that it needed more than two sets of 28 pages, bumping the final count up to 70~ pages (with an extra smutty bonus story at the end tbc).
It’s hard looking at that many things on a ‘to do list’, as that many pages, two-ish pages a week will realistically take the next year of my life.
This is why I’ve decided to start a new shiny project (A weekly voted choose your own erotica Sir Butler and Boy vampire priest AU on my patreon NSFW tier) to keep my energy up while I enter the pencilling stage.
As the ending is so important to me I might even pencil all three chapters before starting updates so I can be confident in how it turned out (and send to friends for edits) before producing final pages.
Anyway that’s an update on where Infernal is at the moment, thanks everyone for your support while I try to finish this damn thing I started haha